Industrial Hemp Cultivation in Minnesota

Industrial Hemp Cultivation in Minnesota

Senate Bill 1590 permitting and regulating industrial hemp cultivation was introduced by Senator Branden Petersen and Senator Sean R. Nienow.

In case the bill will pass industrial hemp will be considered as agricultural crop.

If so, the state`s Department of Agriculture will issue licenses for its cultivation.

According to the bill farmers must have license to grow it.

The bill also distinguishes definitions of hemp and marijuana. “Hemp is a distinct variety of the plant species cannabis sativa that contains only minute (less than one percent) amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.”

All over the world farmers cultivate hemp for different purposes, such as oil, seeds, fiber, etc. It can be used commercially in food and clothing industry.

But the United States of America still does not use hemp as economic crop. At the moment, only Hawaii can grow an acre of hemp “for research purposes”.

