According to the poll, 69 percent of respondents favor the idea of marijuana legalization, taxation, and regulation or want to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cannabis.
The survey took place just several weeks after Justin Trudeau (the leader of Liberal Party) talked about marijuana legalization and brought new life to the long-drown debate on this issue. And just one week before the poll Canadian police chiefs called for decriminalization, but they would like to name it “ticketing option”.
“Justin Trudeau is ahead of the zeitgeist on this issue, and the government’s disapproval of his position is a strength he can play to in the coming months. Decriminalization or legalization has majority support right across the country, even among Conservative voters, and there appears to be little downside to this issue for him,” said Forum Research President Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
36 percent of respondents support marijuana legalization, 34 percent of Canadians favor the idea of decriminalization of cannabis. Marijuana law reform was supported by more poll participants, then the existing situation (just 15 percent of respondents). Only 13 percent Canadians supported increasing marijuana penalties and 13 percent also were undecided.
72 percent of New Democrats, and 61 percent of Conservatives support the reform, but the strongest support was noticed among Liberals – 76 percent. Despite the 61 percent of supporters, the Conservative government has held itself out as the government that provides against cannabis.
The poll also included a question concerning Trudeau`s admission of the fact he had consumed cannabis while a Member of Parliament. About 63 percent of respondents said they did not care, 21 percent of Canadians stated that because of this fact they would be less likely to vote for him, and just 14 percent of his followers declared they “would be more likely to vote for him.”